Was Perry Schwarzburg as good as they say?
(too old to reply)
2019-08-11 16:50:49 UTC
I don't know how many years Jimmy and Perry played at the same time. Sometime around 1980, Jimmy was ranked #4 in the USA. He beat Eric Bogen once at tournament in Houston (that was probably when he reached #4 on the rankings, around 2450 at the time). After training in China, he beat Danny Seemiller at a smaller tournament in Hollywood. Jimmy had a winning record versus Atilla Malek, but Atilla peaked in 1978, while Jimmy peaked a few years later. Jimmy left table tennis in the mid to late 1980's.
John Merkel
2021-10-05 19:25:13 UTC
Post by r***@cox.net
I don't know how many years Jimmy and Perry played at the same time. Sometime around 1980, Jimmy was ranked #4 in the USA. He beat Eric Bogen once at tournament in Houston (that was probably when he reached #4 on the rankings, around 2450 at the time). After training in China, he beat Danny Seemiller at a smaller tournament in Hollywood. Jimmy had a winning record versus Atilla Malek, but Atilla peaked in 1978, while Jimmy peaked a few years later. Jimmy left table tennis in the mid to late 1980's.
Jimmy Lane is a Catholic Father, I believe:

Jeffrey Steif
2021-11-11 06:07:27 UTC
Post by John Merkel
Post by r***@cox.net
I don't know how many years Jimmy and Perry played at the same time. Sometime around 1980, Jimmy was ranked #4 in the USA. He beat Eric Bogen once at tournament in Houston (that was probably when he reached #4 on the rankings, around 2450 at the time). After training in China, he beat Danny Seemiller at a smaller tournament in Hollywood. Jimmy had a winning record versus Atilla Malek, but Atilla peaked in 1978, while Jimmy peaked a few years later. Jimmy left table tennis in the mid to late 1980's.
Concerning the discussion of Mike Stern and Perry Swartzberg, I believe PS was a little older. MS was born 1960 and PS was born 1960 or 1959 but I would guess 1960. I was older than MS but am a little unsure if PS was older or younger than me.
2021-11-11 08:44:24 UTC
Video from the 1970's (converted from 8mm film) of Jimmy Lane warming up with Bernie Bukiet, who was 2250 at 65 years old at the time, then later a few points of Jimmy Lane and Paul Rafael. At that time, Jimmy was #4 and I think Paul was #7. Jimmy and Bernie won doubles versus Ray Guillen and Dean Wong. I think Jimmy won the singles. I only recall him losing once to Ray and once to Dean (Jimmy had a shoulder issue that time), in later tournaments.
